Sleep Self-Evaluation Test
How well do you sleep?
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is widely used in the field of sleep medicine as a subjective measure of a patient's sleepiness. The test is a list of eight situations in which you rate your tendency to become sleepy on a scale of 0, no chance of dozing, to 3, high chance of dozing. When you finish the test, add up the values of your responses. Your total score is based on a scale of 0 to 24. The scale estimates whether you are experiencing excessive sleepiness that possibly requires medical attention.
Using the rating scale below, rate each of the following statements as it best applies to you:
Result | What your ESS result indicates |
Less than 10 | You are most likely getting enough sleep However, if you have noticed a change in your normal sleep routine, you may want to discuss this with your doctor. |
10 - 15 | Your may be suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness You should see you Doctor to determine the cause of your sleepiness and possible treatment. Your Doctor may refer you to Wythe County Community Hospital for a sleep study to assist in your diagnosis. |
16+ | You are dangerously sleepy It is imperative that you see your Doctor to determine the cause of your sleepiness, and to investigate treatment as soon as possible. Your Doctor can refer you to Wythe County Community Hospital for a sleep study to assist in your diagnosis. |
* This scale should not be used to make your own diagnosis. It is intended as a tool to help you identify your own level of daytime sleepiness, which can often by a symptom of many sleep disorders.
If your score is 10 or more, please share this information with your doctor - make sure you describe all your symptoms as clearly as possible to help in your diagnosis and treatment.
* Please Note - true excessive daytime sleepiness is almost always caused by an underlying medical condition that can be easily diagnosed and effectively treated.